Friday, October 27, 2006

A Hole in my Soul - Not by Aerosmith

Friends and foes alike,
I bring to you a message so dear,
A message of happiness and of good cheer.
A message not framed by man,
but authored by God according to his plan.

Man hardly rests from the day he is born. We yearn to know the depths of love. We try our best to attain the levels of wisdom. We spend our time in the great nature of this world for pleasure. We work day and night thinking we would feel better. We try our very best to have that peace within our soul.
King solomon was the wisest man who ever lived on earth. He was the richest king ever. Whatever his eyes desired, he would have them. He was filled with the wisdom of God above and yet he writes these.

"I denied myself nothing my eyes desire; I refused my heart no pleasure. Everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun."
(Ecclesiastes 2:4-11)

Man may indeed find pleasure temporarily in the wisdom, love and nature, which are the blessings of God. Yet, my brother, the hole in your soul will never be filled permanently.
There is no true happiness in life and no true satisfaction, peace or joy unless you know God, fear him and obey his commandments.
Aerosmith said "A hole in my soul", sought after a lady's love to fill it but it was as a thorn without a rose. Bill Gates tried to fill that hole by giving billions to charity only to wake up the next day and find that the hole was deeper.
Dear Brother, Solomon concluded this,

"As the one dies, so the other dies. Yes, they have all one breath; and man has no advantage over the animals: for all is vanity".
(Ecclesiastes 3:19)

"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter; Fear God and keep His commandments; for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil".
(Ecclesiastes 12:13)

What is his commandment?
"And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment".
(1 John 3:23)

Both the rich and the poor, the young and the old, will inevitably have to face death one day. The lord says, "The hairs of your head have been numbered". He knows when our time is done and when we need to go to the grave. Dear beloved, you need to know God today. Deep inside your soul, there is a craving to fill that hole. You cry out saying how do I know God ?
He came down to this earth in the form of flesh to fulfill a purpose. To fill that hole in your soul. The casting away of our sin, and to give us immense happiness and eternal joy within.

After a tiring night of fishing, without avail, Peter and the others came back to the shore. Jesus said, come and we shall fish again. With very little faith they said, Lord we had done enough, yet they followed him into the boat. The nets were cast and what a glory, they were filled at once and would break. Knowing that Jesus was God indeed, said Peter "Lord, depart from me for I am a sinner". Oh what a joy to see a sinner repent and heed to the Loving lord.

How do I know this joy ? You may ask. For I am a sinner and weak am I. I have done many things wrong and the lord will never forgive me for the kind of person I am. Cast your burden on Jesus. He died for you on the cross taking your punishment for wrong. He makes you clean and fills you with his spirit. Just ask him to remove your sin. make you pure and purge within.

The Lord says, there is no sin that I can't cleanse, for my blood has been shed for all of mankind. Believe in me and be cleansed at once, then you can enter into my peaceful place for I prepare this place for you in heaven. Repent, turn and follow his commandment.
This is my commandment that you love one another that your joy may be full. Yes Brother, after you know the Lord. Show your love and your joy will be full. This is his promise.

Oh Lord, I pray that your spirit in us may dwell,
so that we may repent and turn away from hell.
Teach us to love, trust and obey,
your word in every way
For our heart is full of sin and your spirit
only can make me win.