You can Overcome !!
This new year, I would like to deal with the issue of overcoming lust. This is not a step by step procedure to follow but a spiritual guide according to the word of God. The only one who can set you free from the power of Satan is The Lord Jesus Christ who will aid you through the Holy Spirit and guide you to life eternal.
Understand the nature of sin.
"Sin will take you further than you ever wanted to go, will keep you longer than you ever wanted to stay, will cost you more than you ever thought you would pay."
It all starts with a small puff of a cigar in order to prove your ego or fit the fad. Very soon, you come to face the fact that you never wanted to become a chain smoker. You never thought you would continue for this long. You never thought you would need to pay millions to take care of your lung cancer. It's true you have to pay with your life at the end. Behind an alluring poster, or a small can of fun at your friends place lurks the devil in his disguise. He opens the world, inviting you to addiction and a plethora of problems, guilt, shame, weakness and finally your life has to be paid. Yes, it's the path to hell indeed.
Once you begin to understand the nature of sin, you will begin to see the enemy, the Devil, behind each temptation and sin.
Once you begin to understand the nature of sin, you will begin to see the enemy, the Devil, behind each temptation and sin.
Sin is enmity with God.
Despite the fact that sin kills you physically on earth, there are many cases where a person doesn't get addicted to sin and die. The sad thing is we strive for physical life but we forsake the eternal. Even if you have accepted the Lord Jesus as your savior but are living in sin, there is bad news for you. The lord says many will call out to him saying "Lord" but he will reject you because you have failed to hear his voice.
"My sheep hear My Voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give unto them Eternal Life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand." -John 10: 27-28
The sheep are to be followers of the Lord, i.e., they have to aim at being sinless, hate sin and detest it.
Sin is mankind's nature.
Understanding that sin is inbuilt in man is crucial. This is not God's fault but the choice that the first man Adam has made. It is essential to know that Solomon, David and Samson could not win over sin with their strength. They all committed the sin of the lust of the flesh, whereby they were weakened. The bible says we are born sinful, hence we need to be re-born or born again in the spirit and this is what the Lord Jesus provides for us.
The entry of sin.
The startling fact to recognize is that sin enters us through the mind and through the eyes. Once the thought has taken control, our body only executes to fulfill the thought. This is why the Lord said,
"But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." -Matt 5:28
Hence, there is no difference between a man who has actually committed adultery from a man who has lusted in his mind. Both have equally sinned in the eyes of the Lord. We need to ensure that sin is overcome in our mind.
The victory is in the blood of the lamb.
We need to realize that we are weak and we cannot overcome sin on our own. Through the whole book of the Revelation we see the Lamb on the Throne. It is as the slain Lamb that He has gained that position; THE VICTORY OVER SATAN AND ALL HIS AUTHORITY IS BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB. Jesus has already given us that victory, we need not depend on ourselves to overcome lust. We only need to leave it to the Lord in prayer. Just keep trusting the Lord to work that work in you. For he has promised to complete the work in us.
"My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness" -2Corinthians 12:9
What do we need to do?
Easy just trust him and bring the 5 loaves and the fish. Do your part right. Avoid your alcoholic friends till you have overcome the sin. Avoid watching the steamy soaps and music videos, remove the TV. Don't go to the magazine rack at your supermarket if you think the images will cause you to lust.
"This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh." -Gal 5:16
Start walking in the spirit. Listen to the leading of the lord and do the things you need to. Start serving at your church. Start sharing the good news. Start helping out friends at problems. Get occupied by things of the spirit.
Confide in someone.
This would be the most strengthening aspect of your victory. You need to confide in someone. Your secret sins need to be shared with a good christian friend. Share it with your spouse, she can be most loving and understand you. Share it with your pastor. Once you have shared it, you know the guilt is gone. Remember all the while the best friend you can confide on is Jesus.
Confess and never be fooled by Satan.
Jesus has promised to confess every sin in our life, if we come to him. Do don't delay. Get right with God soon. Today is the day of redemption.
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins." -1 John 1:9
Satan's best lie is "you have lost your salvation". If you believe this lie and continue to sin, you have lost it indeed. For then you have no hope. But if you continue to trust the grace of our Lord and come to him in tears. Your joy will be full and you will overcome.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” -John 16:33
May the Lord Jesus be glorified in your body and soul
and make that victory your ultimate goal.
and make that victory your ultimate goal.
good blog site .... hope u know who i am ....
Simon Thatiparthi
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